Stockpicker intervjuar Remco Westerman, CEO Media and Games Invest

Vi ställer frågor och får svar om bland annat MGIs framtida tillväxt, kommentarer kring den senaste rapporten och fördelarna med att vara både ett gaming och mediabolag. Dessutom berättar Westermann om den planerade flytten av huvudkontoret till Sverige.

Stockpicker intervjuar Remco Westerman CEO Media and Games Invest 1

00:00:39 | For those who don't know Media and Games Invest yet, can you give us a short company summary?

00:02:55 | Can you tell us more about the transition from a gaming company to an advertising software platform in 2022?

00:04:28 | You recently released your Q4/2021. Could you please go through the highlights for 2021?

Ge din syn på Media and Games Invest här

00:05:33 | Media and Games Invest has grown substantially over the past three years. Will you be able to grow at such a high pace in the future?

00:07:39 | In the annual report for 2021 you presented that a combined gaming - media company is much more efficient than a stand-alone gaming company. Can you give us some more information about this and the synergies of having both a gaming and a media leg to stand on?

00:09:05 | You recently informed investors that you are moving your headquarters to Sweden. About a year ago you talked about Luxembourg. Why did you choose Sweden instead?

00:11:12 | You recently also announced some changes in your corporate governance. Can you explain what this means and is it due to the relocation to Sweden?

00:12:46 | Could you tell us more about the outlook for 2022 and your long-term vision?

NASDAQ Stockholm
Stockpicker Newsletter
Publicerad 2022-03-10 13:55:00
Ändrad 2024-11-13 09:19:50