FOM Technologies: Attractive Growth Potential and Aiming for Main Market in 2023
Stockpicker conducts commissioned equity research on the Danish company FOM Technologies, listed on First North Growth Market Denmark. Stockpicker finds the company well positioned for strong growth and the investment case attractive.
Interesting Technology
FOM Technologies has gained recognition as a pioneer of cutting-edge precision equipment for slot-die coating of new functional materials. The technology can be used for a variety of different research areas and the market potential can thus be described as high. The Danish company already has a strong global clientele with highly regarded universities and several fortune 500 companies.
FOM Technologies aim to grow and develop into a leading company within the slot-die coating technology, contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable world.
Record year 2021
2020 was a challenging year for FOM Technologies due to COVID-19 restrictions. However, in 2021 the company raised their financial guidance several times and the commercial journey described in the IPO memorandum started to materialize. FOM Technologies achieved this despite continuing supply challenges caused by the COVID-19 epidemic.
Aiming for Main Market
After a strong financial year 2021 and aggressive investments in innovation, a global distribution network and development of new products, FOM Technologies intend to work towards a listing on the Nasdaq Main Market – Small Cap in 2023.
Attractive Growth Potential
Using a discounted cash flow valuation method, we establish a fair value per share of 49,0 DKK. For our base case scenario to materialize, FOM Technologies will have to increase both sales and profitability substantially.
Stockpicker considers the company's technology, in itself, to carry a value. The high value of insider ownership also signals management strong believe in the future of the company.
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FOM Technologies är ett danskt företag specialiserat på utveckling och tillverkning av avancerade slot-die-beläggningsmaskiner och utrustning. Dessa maskiner möjliggör exakt och skalbar applicering av tunna filmer av funktionella material på olika substrat, vilket är avgörande inom forskning och industriella tillämpningar. Företagets teknologi används inom områden som batterielektroder, flexibla solceller och Power-to-X-teknologier. FOM Technologies äger 51 % av MLMC Therapeutics ApS, ett dotterbolag med fokus på att utveckla produktionsprocesser för orala läkemedel. Bolaget är noterat på Nasdaq First North Growth Market Denmark under tickerkoden FOM. Under 2023 rapporterade FOM Technologies en omsättning på cirka 20,5 miljoner DKK, motsvarande cirka 29,5 miljoner SEK. Bolaget har ännu inte lämnat någon aktieutdelning, då fokus ligger på tillväxt och utveckling.